Monday, October 15, 2007

Freedom To Fail and Have Fun

"Making mistakes is essential to innovation and organizational growth, as long as systems are developed to avoid making the same mistake twice." - Jonathan Keese, Sr.

Do you really want to learn innovation and know what is deep inside, at the core of successful innovation? "The truth is ... it's a ball! Hard work combined with hard play - at every level, from executive down to worker bee and back up again." People don't only work hard, but they also play hard at the same time. And people are not just having fun, but planning it and making it part of their culture. As adults we forget how to dream and have an imagination. We must look at things differently or with different view points that allow us to use our imagination in a field that is called traditional business. That way we can achieve accomplishment and satisfaction at every level of relationship building throughout our companies. To find a better creative solution to the current practice, force yourself to reframe the problem, in order to break down its components and assemble them in a different way that will cause us to use our imagination and answer this question without the fear of someone telling you that is not possible!