Well hello and happy Friday to you all out there in the market place/business world. I’m just going to go ahead and fill you in on what’s been going on at work. Recently I have been cross-training in sales, and been getting evaluations along with others in the office, to see where my week points are and my strong points. The evaluations haven’t been that bad at all, it’s not a pass/fail kind of evaluation so it makes it a lot less stressful. Although don’t get me wrong I do have to study, or else I would not be doing that well. I have actually been studying quite a bit lately. It’s all really interesting and I love to learn all of the information. I never really thought that business, or the business world for that matter was so interesting. To be honest all of the things I have learned, compared to what I already knew, is what really intrigues me. There are so many technicalities, and all of the specifics can actually be a little overwhelming, but all in all it’s really interesting to learn something new and fresh everyday, or hear a lot of different people’s perceptions, on so many different levels, of so many different situations. I love my job, it’s the best job I’ve ever had, and I can’t wait to see what I am fully capable of accomplishing in the future. Well I’ will be sure to fill you in on some other things later, but until the next time, have a safe and happy weekend.