Sometimes during an entrepreneurs journey there are setbacks that seem as if it is the end of the world. To be a successful entrepreneur you have to be strong minded enough to work through those setbacks and continue to stay focused on your objective. Remember during the journey you can not expect everyone to like you, that is impossible. Whenever you hear about the success stories of famous entrepreneurs you only hear the positive side of their stories, you never hear the trials, tribulations and setbacks that they have had to endure in order to achieve the success they currently enjoy. Entrepreneurs achieve their successes by never quitting no matter what happens around them and have a “business as usual attitude” throughout their journey. Once an entrepreneur learns how to create money that lesson stays with him for the rest of his/her life. In other words an entrepreneur can create a fortune for him/herself, lose it and then create another fortune for him/herself because of that valuable lesson that he/she has previously learned. During those hard times an entrepreneur has to sacrifice some of the things that he was used to enjoying however, that does not affect his/her positive outlook on life.