Well hello all it is Monday, the official worst day of the week. It’s always the worst because the weekend goes by so fast, even when you have nothing to do, and then you have to get ready for Monday, the first business day of the week. So hopefully everyone’s weekend went smoothly and safely, and hopefully it was enjoyable. As for mine it was really aggravating, mellow, but shocking at the same time. On Friday I went to the movies with my parents and saw “El Cantante”, on Saturday I went to the Norfolk Zoo and visited all of the beautiful animals with my parents, and on Sunday I hung out with some of my closest friends. Ok well basically I would like to share the shocking part of my weekend with everyone, because I feel it is important for those of you out there who ever have car problems to always get your car checked and updated.
One of my close friends this weekend was driving around in his banged up SUV, running errands around the Poquoson area. Well when he was making a right turn one of the front tires popped, and mind you he most likely was driving a little fast, so when the tire popped his car went crazy, flipped about three times off the ground and ended up being wrapped around a telephone pole. When the car flipped he was not wearing his seat belt, so he got thrown into the back seat, and when the car hit the telephone pole, the front of his car got smashed in, and almost crushed him. It’s so crazy that these things actually can happen to someone you know, I was so shocked and upset when I had heard about my friends accident. But it turns out that he was fortunate enough to walk away from the accident with nothing other then some bruises and scratches on his face. I saw him this past weekend, and he showed me the pictures of his SUV on his phone, the car was totaled. It looked so horrible, it was all smashed and deformed, and I have never seen a car look like that before in my life. You know the craziest thing about the accident is, if my friend had been wearing his seat belt, he would not be here with us today. Also if someone would have been with him in the passenger seat of his vehicle, that person would have been crushed by the roof of the car and would have died on the spot.
I just feel like sharing with everyone that you should never take a loved one or life for that matter for granted. You never know when something horrible could happen to you, or to someone you love dearly. When you get the chance look around and realize your surroundings and what is going on around the world. If you haven’t told or done a certain something for a certain someone, do it. If you feel you want to take the chance to travel the world, then travel the world. If you want what you desire whether it comes to business or pleasure, anything at all then grasp it. Because you never know when you will see your last day on earth, or when you will have your last chance to show all of your loved ones how much you appreciate them. Just stop and think about it, and help yourself to realize that life is too short, and it’s never too late to make the best out of it.
One of my close friends this weekend was driving around in his banged up SUV, running errands around the Poquoson area. Well when he was making a right turn one of the front tires popped, and mind you he most likely was driving a little fast, so when the tire popped his car went crazy, flipped about three times off the ground and ended up being wrapped around a telephone pole. When the car flipped he was not wearing his seat belt, so he got thrown into the back seat, and when the car hit the telephone pole, the front of his car got smashed in, and almost crushed him. It’s so crazy that these things actually can happen to someone you know, I was so shocked and upset when I had heard about my friends accident. But it turns out that he was fortunate enough to walk away from the accident with nothing other then some bruises and scratches on his face. I saw him this past weekend, and he showed me the pictures of his SUV on his phone, the car was totaled. It looked so horrible, it was all smashed and deformed, and I have never seen a car look like that before in my life. You know the craziest thing about the accident is, if my friend had been wearing his seat belt, he would not be here with us today. Also if someone would have been with him in the passenger seat of his vehicle, that person would have been crushed by the roof of the car and would have died on the spot.
I just feel like sharing with everyone that you should never take a loved one or life for that matter for granted. You never know when something horrible could happen to you, or to someone you love dearly. When you get the chance look around and realize your surroundings and what is going on around the world. If you haven’t told or done a certain something for a certain someone, do it. If you feel you want to take the chance to travel the world, then travel the world. If you want what you desire whether it comes to business or pleasure, anything at all then grasp it. Because you never know when you will see your last day on earth, or when you will have your last chance to show all of your loved ones how much you appreciate them. Just stop and think about it, and help yourself to realize that life is too short, and it’s never too late to make the best out of it.