In the beginning stages or start up phase of a business a good habit to get into is paying the monthly bills prior to using the money for anything else. Of course I would also advise owners to not spend their operational money frivolously but it just makes good business sense to assign the first priority on money coming in to paying those monthly bills. Now you might say that doing that is a no-brainer however, there are many owners out there who have not disciplined themselves to paying the bills first! By instilling that behavior owners will be able to see just how much money they have to work with for the month and it also makes it easier to stay within budgetary constraints. If owners choose not to pay the bills first than they are playing Russian roulette with their company and they face the greater possibility of watching the business fail because the profit/loss statements are consistently in the red. Who would have thought that the simple behavioral discipline of paying the bills first could give the company a greater chance of survival in the marketplace.