This past weekend someone whom is very special to me shared some words with me. They weren’t really words of encouragement, but to him it was only a joke, although I never really found it amusing. I acknowledged them as words of negativity, words that really rubbed me the wrong way. Basically he had repeated dialogue presented by me, from a radio show that I currently co-host. He was mocking my comment on the discussion of entrepreneurs on the radio that day. Now at the time when he said those comments, it hurt me quite a bit. I had gotten angry about what he was saying to me, and around me with other people. It was so nerve racking and just uncalled for. The funny thing about the whole situation was that I let my self get angry. I let him and his negative words bring me down at the time. But once I sat and actually thought about it for a little bit, I came to a conclusion that made me feel so much better, and I actually laughed about it by myself. Those words were meant to hurt me of course, or else he wouldn’t have said them in such a mocking way. In a sense it’s his way of lashing out, and showing me that he’s saying these things out of pure jealousy. I guess in a sense since I actually have started my profession, and have begun to make such big plans for myself about my future, he’s obviously envious. This is a subject matter that I am way too familiar with. Being envious of someone else that has something that I want, but in a different form of profession. It’s kind of amusing considering how close this person is with me, and how much we’ve shared together. I would have never in any moment thought that he of all people would hold these types of feelings about what I’m doing, and the important plans I hold for my future. What I’m trying to say is that there was no need for me to get angry. He said what he wanted to say, and yes I allowed it to be said. But it’s beyond me why I let myself endure him mocking me, and then let him know bluntly that he had gotten the better of me. The problem was that I let him get the better of me and couldn’t/wouldn’t control my feelings. When instead I could’ve “Brushed Off the Negativity”, and let it pass by ignoring it all. What I should have done was laugh with him, and shown him that what he said didn’t have any effect on me. By doing that the whole subject matter would have been dropped, so he would have forgotten all about it. If you’re ever in this sort of situation business wise, or whether it’s a personal matter, don’t let people get the best of you. Don’t even think for a moment, of letting them overpower the way you think or feel. Be positive and do your best to brush away that negativity, because accepting it will only bring you down. Learn to accept yourself enough to where you can be comfortable in your own skin. Trust your thoughts and your knowledge, because with that you can always push further to bigger and better things. Place yourself above all of that negativity, and do yourself justice always.