Hello Monday!! Well hopefully everybody’s weekend went according to plan. I know that mine did not, but that’s not really unusual. See this is why I am the kind of person who loves to plan ahead. I like to organize an event that I am going to participate in, before it happens. For me it’s a must, and for other people it’s a big double negative. These are the kind of people that love to just do something without planning ahead, and then just take care of whatever gets thrown in their direction at the time that it happens. They don’t prepare ahead, they just do things on impulse. Now there is nothing wrong with these kinds of people, so don’t become defensive because of what I'm saying. They are just risk takers, and I can completely understand where they get the impulse to do so unplanned. The only downfall that I would say could fully affect a well organized plan would be if your plan backfires. Now mind you, I know it would appear that your plan is taking a turn for the worst, but this would point out my second point in the whole process of organization, a backup plan. Basically a backup plan’s purpose is to show that a person is playing on the safe side. Now the point of my mentioning this is because organization has everything to do with business. How are you going to work for a business or run a business, if you don’t know how to use the process of organization to your advantage? This process just so happens to be one of the biggest problems, when it comes down to running a good successful business. To go into a business unorganized, is to set yourself up for failure. You can always be able to plan ahead, and be a risk taker. You just have to learn how to balance out both of these traits without one or both of them backfiring.