I remember when I first had access to the internet through my very 1st computer years ago and how it was relatively easy to find information on anybody through the information highway. The information at that time was free because no one had thought to put a price on certain aspects of the information highway. Today business has taken over a lot of the internet and information that was free in the past now has a price tag attached to it. Now I’m all for business and stimulating the marketplace however, at times I wish that the internet evolution never took place. I liked the idea of researching and finding information that was relatively easy and free to find and using it for my own personal use. Today’s internet search is more cutthroat with people trying to bleed money from you from numerous search websites. Additionally, countries are now starting to deny access to certain search services on the internet like Google thus limiting their profits. The continuing internet evolution should be extremely interesting in the subsequent upcoming years, but only if you have been paying attention.