There are many people out there that want everything now in today’s marketplace. However, when it comes to investing you cannot have it “now”. Warren Buffett who is the most successful investor in the world does not invest in companies one or two years. Mr. Buffett always invests in companies that he will remain with for at least 10 years. Obviously his approach has nothing to do with the now mentality that permeates our society. Mr. Buffett and other successful entrepreneurs like Bill Gates and Carlos Slim Helu from Mexico (who is now the richest man in the world) did not get rich overnight. It took years of work for these successful people to get where they are today and they did not achieve their success by themselves. They arrived to their present position with a team of co-owners who shared their purpose and goal thus becoming wealthy together. Individuals need to know that having it now does not work when it comes to investing and that patience is the key.