Thursday, May 10, 2007

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Everyone is primarily emotional. Everything that people do, or refrain from doing, is triggered by their deeper emotions.
"Emotional Intelligence" refers to your capacity to recognize your own feelings and those of others, for motivating yourself, and for managing emotions well in yourself and in your relationships. "It describes abilities distinct from, but complementary to, academic intelligence, the purely cognitive capabilities measured by IQ. Many people who are book smart but lack emotional intelligence end up working for people who have lower IQs than they but who excel in emotional intelligence skills."

Effective Leadership Skills

Research show that 67% of the essential competencies required for effective leadership today are emotional competencies. Emotionally intelligent leaders are more likely to achieve results and are effective in dealing with the complexity involved in leading change and organizational transformation. Transformational leadership arouses emotion and taps into the emotional and spiritual resources of an organization. It provides the emotional glue that causes organizations and the people in them to excel.