This is a story that has been repeated time and time again in today’s society. How many times have you seen a celebrity whether it’s a professional athlete, entertainer or media star with humble beginnings become extremely famous and wealthy just turn around and divorce their spouse after allowing himself or herself to be seduced by the fast paced “good life” he/she is experiencing. How many times afterwards do you see that celebrity get into and out of numerous other relationships in the years to come? What those well to do individuals have failed to realize is the treasure that they had which was originally right under their nose. By giving into the enticement of “forbidden fruit” they lost the support of someone who loved them for themselves and not for the famous people they have become. Never give up the spouse that was with you during the bad times when you had nothing because that person will keep you grounded in reality and remind you of who you are and not who the media portrays you to be.