It is highly advisable to always read and understand whatever you are signing in a contract. Many individuals throughout the world wind up falling into situations that are totally unexpected when they fail to do these two things (reading and understanding) prior to the signing of an agreement. I know personally of someone who did not get to read everything prior to signing a mortgage agreement and in the contract terms it said that if the person who holds the note finds someone who is willing to pay the entire appraised value he can sell the house right out from under the person who is paying the current mortgage payments. Consequently, the person whom I am talking about wound up losing the house. If there is something that is in a contract that you don’t understand then get an outside expert (preferably an attorney well versed in contract law) to read and explain the confusing items to you in layman’s terms. By following this advice people can avoid future headaches, terms and conditions that they do not agree to but have to comply with because of a signed, binding agreement. Signing contracts without the full understanding of the entire document is reckless and not a very wise thing to do.