When dealing with individuals in the marketplace you have to really scrutinize candidates for the officer positions to be voted on in a company. Ideally, you want the people that will fill key positions in the company to be proactive and not reactive. What happens when a person is not mature enough to handle the important position they are filling in a business? One possible consequence is that they will try to push all of the work needed to move the company forward to everyone else and leave nothing for him/herself. In other words, they want all of the authority that comes with the position but none of the responsibility. Another possible consequence is that they will suffer from what I call big headedness. That individual becomes a legend in his/her own mind and assigns him/herself a level of importance where the person thinks that he/she is entitled to things that the person does not deserve. This type of person will start making demands and suggestions and expect those around him/her to comply with their requests even though that person in actuality is not doing anything for the company except creating chaos for those surrounding him/her. The best thing to do in that type of a situation is to get rid of that individual for the good of the company. A business in its growing stages does not need an “all talk and no action” person filling a key position within the company.