Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jonathan Keese (There Are No Secrets Regarding Business Success)

Speaker, Trainer, and Authors love to tell you that there are secrets to being more successful, selling more or being rich, they will convince you that only they possess those secrets. If you will give them your money, they will share those secrets with you. What a rip-off. Those people should be ashamed. (Not ashamed for trying to see you their ideas, because we all have the right to do that. I am selling you my ideas right now, so I have no problem with selling ideas.) They should be ashamed for saying there are secrets to being more successful. There are secrets to be more successful. There are no secrets. There is no new information.

Here are some of the main keys to be more successful:

Take personal responsibility
Things change, so be flexible
Work smart and work hard
Serve other well
Be nice to others
Be optimistic
Have goals; want something big for yourself
Stay focused
Keep learning
Become excellent at application
Trust your gut feelings (be honest with yourself)
When in doubt, take action don’t stand still
Earn all you can
Save all you can
Give all you can
Enjoy all God gives you
Above All: Pray and keep it simple!

This one simple equation works in every area of business

● Business gets better right after the people in the business gets better

● Sales get better right after sale people get better.

● Customer service gets better right after the people who deliver the customer service gets better.

● Employees get better right after their manager gets better

● Everything in your life gets better when you get better and noting is ever going to get better until you get better

See how simple that it is?