I do not think all who became recognized champions just started as champions. They "BECAME" champions. They rose to the place of championship, this is what you must not take away from whatever you define in your mind.The champion today was the amateur of yesterday. He once lacked experience and competence. He pursued without proficiency. One who showed talents but was a mere tyro. A blunderer who struggled hard without professionalism. The champion today was the trainee yesterday. He took pains to arrive where he is today. He learnt bearable and unbearable lessons from the lovable and unlovable.
The champion today was a servant yesterday. he served a champion or superior to know that path to superiority. In boxing, he could be the sparring partner to a champion. He is used to correcting the mistakes of the reigning champ. All the skills of the reigning one are tested on him. This is why I personally do not run from assignments, because every tested blow on me makes me skillful and knowledgeable on how to deal with a situation in live.The champion today was at one time left to fend for himself. He once had no one to depend upon. He struggled all alone. But today he fights for the rights and interests of others who need help. The champion is the one who came from the back position to take the first prize.
I do not think all who became recognized champions just started as champions. They "BECAME" champions. They rose to the place of championship, this is what you must not take away from whatever you define in your mind.The champion today was the amateur of yesterday. He once lacked experience and competence. He pursued without proficiency. One who showed talents but was a mere tyro. A blunderer who struggled hard without professionalism. The champion today was the trainee yesterday. He took pains to arrive where he is today. He learnt bearable and unbearable lessons from the lovable and unlovable.
The champion today was a servant yesterday. he served a champion or superior to know that path to superiority. In boxing, he could be the sparring partner to a champion. He is used to correcting the mistakes of the reigning champ. All the skills of the reigning one are tested on him. This is why I personally do not run from assignments, because every tested blow on me makes me skillful and knowledgeable on how to deal with a situation in live.The champion today was at one time left to fend for himself. He once had no one to depend upon. He struggled all alone. But today he fights for the rights and interests of others who need help. The champion is the one who came from the back position to take the first prize.