When You Can Go 65?
Shortly after I received my driver's license, I was driving my sister's car on a freeway in New York. A car in front of me was moving too slowly for my comfort, so I switched lanes to pass and hit the gas pedal as hard as I could to get around the other car. As a new driver, I loved the exhilaration of putting the pedal to the metal and feeling the car instantly respond with quick acceleration. Only this time, something was dreadfully wrong. As I tromped on the pedal, nothing happened. I didn't even hear the engine rev up. I kept stomping on the pedal as hard as I could, but nothing happened! Worse, the car was slowing down. I glanced at the fuel gauge and to my horror saw that the needle was pointed to the E. If you have ever fun out of gas, you know the feeling. But the feeling that stuck with me most clearly was the feeling of helplessness I experienced when I pressed repeatedly on the accelerator to no response.
Now imagine if a car didn't have an accelerator. Event the world's fastest and most expensive sports car would be worthless. Not matter how powerful its fuel and engine, without an hope accelerator, your engine would only idle.
Continue on tomorrow blog entry.........