What does retirement hold for you? Long days on the golf course, daily lunches with your friends, or how about long strolls on the beach? For a large number of you, think again. For those of you who are depending on Uncle Sam to take care of you once you retire, to be honest, are in serious financial trouble. Retirement for you will consist of a job just to make ends meet. According to Census data in 2008 seventy eight million baby-boomers are eligible for retirement, and by 2011 all baby boomers will be eligible for retirement. According to the facts Social Security is set to run out in 2019. There are current reform plans on the table but why depend on someone else to take care of you and your money. I want each and everyone of you to start doing your homework. Pick a retirement age, the means you will need per month, and estimate how long you plan to live, or better yet how long do you want to continue to live without a retirement plan?